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Saturday, February 07, 2009

Isn't it Time we Pay Attention to our Health?

To everybody out there!

I hope all's well with you and your family. I am doing great! I am writing to share with you my wonderful experience with a company called Herbalife and how it has changed my health It may just take a few minutes of your time but I will be forever grateful for it. You can benefit from it and so can the people you care most about.

Herbalife is a premiere nutrition company based in Century City Los Angeles, USA . We've been in the market for 28 years with over 1.5 million distributors and over 60 million satisfied customers worldwide. Our business is open in 70 countries and we are growing stronger and faster than ever. We are listed in the New York Stock Exchange and we made 3.5 Billion Dollars sales in 2007 alone!

Our vision is to change peoples' lives and our mission is to change peoples' lives with the best business opportunity in the direct selling industry and the best nutritional products around the world. Our products are BFAD and FDA registered. Since our business is available in 70 countries, our products have been examined and are registered in 70 food and drug administrations. Herbalife products are formulated by world renowned doctors in the US - Dr. David Heber (one of the top 100 doctors in Amercia) and Dr. Loius Ignarro (Nobel prize winner for his Nitric Oxide research), to name a few.

For those who have heard about Herbalife, we are known for successful weight loss programs but our products can also be used for gaining weight, for maintaining weight, for heart health, for digestive health, and for personal care and best if used as your healthy breakfast for all members in the family. Our products are being used by Olympic medalists such as Elaine Youngs (silver medalist -volleyball), Rafael Nadal (gold medalist- tennis) and David Beckham (top soccer player of LA Galaxy). Herbalife is the official nutritional sponsor of LA Galaxy. (Please refer to

On the products, I lost a total of 23lbs in just 6 weeks and I was so happy it help regulate my BP, my cholesterol level and my triglycerides level. I've started sharing my weight and health results to people I know and most of them are now taking it. Thanks to Herbalife, they are living a healthier life style.

If you have known me since grade school through college, I had a very active lifestyle. I was part of the elementary dance club, a working student and in fact I represented my company as dance sport contender. I felt young and energetic then. I was slim and I thought that was synonymous with being healthy. But everything changed when I got my second job. I became addicted to "Eat-all-you-can" offers in most of the restaurants in my city. I had a sedentary lifestyle, thus gained so much weight and became unhealthy. My bowel movement became irregular. I developed a heart problem (LVH) and our company doctor advised me to do something to lose weight. I tried to play badminton, do biking during weekend, and even to the point of taking diet pills but to no avail. Good thing a friend of mine introduced me to these products and great things started to happen. It was sad though my mom was already diagnosed with CHF (Stage 4) while I was still over a month on the products. Although I know am gonna lose her that fast, I still had her on the products and indeed she had lived an extended two years. After her death, I promised myself to take care of my heart 'coz her doctor told me that my LVH, if not taken cared of will lead to a higher heart disease similar to my mom's disease.

I simply love these products! I love Herbalife! I have my life back. I feel great! I look great! I feel younger each day! So can you and your loved ones. We are truly changing peoples' lives!

If you or anyone you know or care about may need our products, no matter where you are in the world, I can help you get started on our programs. Our business is open in 70 countries and it is truly my personal mission to share these products to as much people as I can. I can personally assist you reach your weight management and health goal. Isn't it about time we paid more attention to our health?

Please share this message with a friend.

God bless!

Loen M. Tabanao
Personal Wellness Coach and
Herbalife Independent Distributor

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