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Sunday, July 29, 2007

Lose Weight Easily, Keep it Off and Stay Healthy!

Yes, I know dieting by skipping meals comes to your mind when we talk of loosing weight and shedding some extra fats.

But mind you, although skipping meals and/or eating less food can help you get that desired weight, still the food you take may not be enough to supply the right nutrients your body needs. Thus, would result to dizziness and unhealthy disposition of your day-to-day activities.

This may not matter to you but I just want to share some nice things that have happened in my life recently. First, please ask yourself these questions: "Do I really need to lose weight? If so, how many pounds? And, lastly "How committed am I to lose weight?"

There are a lot of available diet pills in the market. And yes, some of these can really help you shed some weight. But the question is, are these products helpful, safe and healthy? Are these products tested and is used by millions of people?

You know what, just wanna share to you my story:

In my college years, I was so thin, having only a waistline of 25 inches. Maybe because, I don't have money to buy better food and maybe because I was a working student having to run from GF to the 6F every hour for 5 consecutive hours as part of my work assignment. I look so unhealthy though because of the physical work. After graduation and after getting a nice job, I begin to eat more and well, obviously, gain more weight. My waistline rose to 34 inches. I even had an LVH (Left Ventricular Hypertrophy). My doctor advised me to lose some weight to gain back my health.

At first, I tried using diet pill. But, needless to say, it didn't work and in fact, even made me to crave more food. I was so busy with work that I really didn't bother working out just to lose weight.

But thanks to a friend. She introduced me one product that so far, up to this day, for over a year now, I am still using. It really helped me lose weight. In just one month, I lost 17lbs and a total of 25lbs in 6 weeks and feel very energetic and healthy. Take note, I was so happy I shed off some excess weight without even going to the gym although I still do some 10,000 steps in one day for cardiovascular health.

Trust me, I can assure you that it's really easy to lose weight. And in addition to that, committment should also be considered. Otherwise, nothing will work for you.

To get started or to know more about how to lose weight safe and fast, please feel free to email me at Or text me at +639274275405 and +639217975179. My skype account is: n2wellness. Get up and get started, take that low-calorie diet and get better results.

Stay healthy always.



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